Who do you need to be in community with to thrive?

Querida Amiga,

Find the butterflies you want to fly with.

Many of the Latinas who I coach feel alone on their journey of personal discovery. They are often the first in their family to graduate from college, the one who lives farthest away from their family, the first to work in a non-labor intensive profession, first to travel internationally, at work they may be the only woman of color in leadership...they are trailblazers in so many ways.

Oftentimes being a trailblazer can mean they are navigating their path without a community who understands them and where they are going.

You are also on a journey of growth and transformation that can at times feel as though you are the only one. That’s part of what drew us to one another.

Family and childhood friends can be present and cheering us on along the way. That doesn’t always mean they are able to understand our struggles or know how to provide the consejos needed to continue moving forward with our ancestors’ wildest dreams.

With a community of like-minded Latinas, dreaming bigger than those who came before us can be a safe space to explore and expand. Consciously moving on the journey from surviving chingona to thriving chingona requires a community that will champion, celebrate, and give us the loving feedback we need to grow.

The monarch butterfly migration is a beautiful example of community. Along every stop of their journey to warmer climates, they lay eggs that become new butterflies that add to their swarm. Those that hatch fly into formation and begin their path farther along than those who came before them. Along the way these swarms rest on tree branches huddled together for warmth and protection.

Monarch butterflies are on a collective journey of growth and transformation. They are adding new butterflies along their path, resting together, and keeping one another safe.

As you reflect on where you are in your journey and where your dreams are leading you next, I encourage you to find the butterflies you want to fly with.

Quiero saber de ti. Who do you need to be in community with to thrive?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. The registration link is now live for the Healing with Ancestors workshop this Saturday, October 24th 10 am-12 pm PST. You can register on my website under the Events page (here). I look forward to being in community with you as we continue to build our relationship with one another while exploring what deeper connection and learning with our ancestors can look like. Let me know if you have any questions.  


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