How do you show gratitude to your ancestors?

Querida Amiga,

This week we wrap up Latinx Heritage Month. I spent time this past weekend reflecting on this month of honoring the past and the paths that were cleared by our ancestors for us to live our lives at this moment.

My journey began generations before I was born. The spirits of generations past live through me today as I evolve as a living ancestor. How I choose to continue the journey is an offering of gratitude and sets the stage for those who follow me.

I consider it a sign of respect to honor the spirit of my ancestors. I choose to do so on a daily basis. What that looks like has evolved over time as I learn more about who they were and how their spirit is alive within me today. As those connections become seen, heard, and felt, a new level of appreciation grows as I am enlightened of their struggle and their joys.

What often surfaces in their struggle is the lingering impact of oppressive systems that taught them there was something wrong with who they were. The generations of abuses physically, mentally, and emotionally embedded in their brains and hearts have remained in future generations hidden in corners of our subconscious. These messages that something was/is wrong with how we look, speak, and move in the world.

The joy that I feel from my ancestors are the places where they were able to break free from an existence of survival. Moving their bodies freely to the sounds that rang through rainforests in Venezuela. Filling their bellies with the food of Zacatecas that was made with love and deemed delicious because of the hands that made it.

In moments of joy, they were enough. In moments of joy, I am enough.

During Latinx Heritage Month, and all year round, we celebrate that we are beautifully made and more than enough. We honor the complexity of history and future possibilities that live within our community. We are on a journey to respect and honor our ancestors while breaking barriers to liberation which will pave the way for future generations to thrive.

May we daily find ways to show gratitude to our ancestors for who they were with what was available to them.

May we offer ourselves grace as we navigate the legacies of healing, struggle, and joy handed to us.

May we authentically live out our purpose to be an example to future generations of what it means to thrive.

Quiero saber de ti. How do you show gratitude to your ancestors? How do you offer yourself grace as you navigate continuing the healing of your ancestors?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. The registration link is now live for the Healing with Ancestors workshop on Saturday, October 24th 10 am-12 pm PST. You can register on my website under the Events page (here). I look forward to being in community with you as we explore what deeper connection and learning with our ancestors can look like. Let me know if you have any questions.  


Who do you need to be in community with to thrive?


What are you learning from your ancestors?