How will you prioritize the rest you deserve?

Querida Amiga,

You deserve rest.

It is on my heart today to remind you of this.

You do so much for others. In this time of great need you are caring for family members, volunteer in your community, getting out the vote, figuring out a new way to function in your work environment, etc.

In the midst of all you are doing, I worry that you are not also caring for yourself.

What is holding you back from 30 minutes to go for a leisurely walk, 20 minutes of napping, 10 minutes of deep breathing, or 5 minutes to stare out the window?

Rest is whatever you need to do to slow down and reconnect with yourself.

You deserve rest.

When you hold a sacred time for yourself daily to rest, your mind has more space to create and hold bigger dreams.

You deserve big dreams and a life where you live out your purpose.

I find this quote from Tricia Hersey to be powerful, “I see dreams as reparations for my ancestors, whose dream time was stolen from them.” Our ancestors gave immensely with their physical well being with the hope that we would not have to do the same.

Your choice to find time for rest is gratitude for those who came before you and the opportunity to change the trajectory for those who will follow you.

Amiga, I wish for you a life that moves from surviving to thriving. May that journey have space to evolve as a result of your rest.

You deserve rest. 

You deserve big dreams. 

You deserve happiness.  

You deserve to thrive.

Quiero saber de ti. How will you prioritize the rest you deserve this week?

Un Abrazo, 



Election Day


Who do you need to be in community with to thrive?