The Chingona’s Sabbatical Retreat

A 3-day retreat in Los Angeles for soul-searching ambitious Latinas to reduce their stress and increase their sustainability to thrive.

For Latinas seeking to understand where their stress primarily stems from, learn the tools and practices they need to reduce stress and overwhelm, and create community with other Latinas on a similar journey.

A note to those who take interest:

This small intimate group of Latinas is coming together as a community to rest, reflect, and reconnect with themselves to reemerge calm, clear, and centered.

This in-person retreat is a safe space to explore how systemic oppression, societal expectations, and your current lifestyle impact you.

Engage in deep conversations about your vision for your life with others on a similar path.

You will be seen and heard by a trauma-informed coach and surrounded by people who want to help you get there.

The word Chingona is one associated with hustle, resilience, and survival… but when we only use these words to describe what it means to be a Chingona, it feels exhausting.

Our ancestors survived, which is why we’re here, but they didn’t sacrifice so much for us to still be tired all the damn time. The way we can honor the lineage that came before is by taking what was gifted to us and create a different reality for ourselves and all of the Latinas who come after us.

We now have the privilege to not just survive, but to thrive.

You are overworked, have too much on your plate, but keep adding more to feel like you are having an impact.

You are underestimated in your personal and professional life for how Chingona you truly are.

Does this sound like life right now?

You feel frustrated by the slow pace of change and are burning out from trying to make it happen faster.

You want to give up on the dreams you have for your life because it’s exhausting just thinking about them.

Imagine what could surface if you gifted yourself the time to reconnect with yourself alongside other Latinas also wanting to reduce their stress and overwhelm to increase their impact:

✺ Intentionally show up, not simply react to everything that comes your way.

✺ Reconnect with your intuition and learn to trust yourself again.

✺ Gain clarity on what it means to thrive, personally and professionally.

✺ Learn practices and methods to reduce the impact stress is having on your life.

✺ Identify how you can operate from a place of calm and safety.

✺ Build relationships with other Latinas on a similar journey.

Why should you trust me to guide you through an in-person experience that has the potential to increase your impact and sustainability to thrive?

Seven years ago, I walked away from a stressful career that had become overwhelming and detrimental to my mental and physical well-being...

During a sabbatical and eventual return to work, I learned what true rest felt like, reconnected with my intuition and purpose for my life, and reemerged with the practices and tools to manage the inevitable pressures of life.

My overwhelming past:

  • Regularly functioning in fight mode in situations that always felt like a battle to survive.

  • Working 10+ hour days and still opening my laptop at home to catch up.

  • Never feeling like I could catch up on sleep or find true calm.

  • Constantly doubting I had the resources and skill to have the impact I envisioned.

  • In as little as one minute, we can reset our energy and reconnect with our intuition.

  • Understanding the specific triggers that create stress in our body will help us customize a self-care plan to reduce stress.

  • Authenticity means reconnecting with our true selves and removing external expectations and voices that have clouded how we see ourselves.

Lessons I have learned since then:

  • Clear on the signs when I am moving out of calm and into fight or freeze mode, so I can intervene to return to calm faster.

  • Regularly reviewing my calendar to remove what drains and distracts me from the vision I have for my life.

  • Enhanced capacity to produce results that further my vision.

  • A toolkit of practices, personalized to me, that help pace my action and rest to sustain my energy over my lifetime.

  • Clear on my vision for creating an impact in the world, and constantly checking in with my intuition on whether I am on the path tailored to my passions, strengths, and values.

The life I live now:

What people are saying:

“Michelle is the bomb dot com. She is patient, she reads the room well, she is affirming, she gets it, she has dope music taste, and she is authentic and honest. I learned so much from her. Her vision for this group is a blessing to the world.”

— LeShonne W. Segura

What to Expect

in trauma-informed practices that center your rest, reflection, and processing of what you need for your life.


the wisdom of your body, understanding how stress has been impacting you, and actionable steps you can take to reduce its impact on your life.


on healing from systemic oppression and cultural expectations that Latinas face by having your experiences seen, heard, and validated.



ancestral knowledge and practices for a culturally grounded experience.


in activities and group discussions in a restful setting.

Amiga, you do not have to be on this journey alone.

When you surround yourself with a supportive coach and other Latinas who understand the stress and overwhelm you are experiencing, you will have the safety and trust to slow down, become deeply reflective, and begin to make necessary changes in your life.

Let’s close the gap between where you are now and the life you are meant to live.

What People Are Saying:

“The fact that no one in the group ever made me feel like aspiring for bigger and greater things was foolish. Surrounding yourself with the right people makes tons of difference to encourage you to keep going.”

— Victoria Sorensen

“I really think it made such a difference. I know there isn't one monolithic experience as a Latina but there were a lot of similarities that allowed me to share without feeling like I had to add all this additional context so that others could understand.”

— Stephanie Gomez

“It reminded me that I am deserving of sisterhood. Each day, I know that I am growing into an even more loving version of myself, and I'm so grateful that I am connected with other women who I can commune with!”

— LeShonne W. Segura


  • Ambitious Latinas who understand the importance of slowing down, and are curious to learn more about their nervous systems and somatic practices as a way to reduce stress.

    Latinas who desire to be in community with other Latinas who are approaching life and career with a similar lens and approach.

  • This retreat is created by a Latina, for Latinas.

    The curation of the space and our activities will be focused on you feeling seen, heard, and safe. We will tap into our ancestors, share freely about our experiences with family, friends, and colleagues, and have the feeling of knowing you are not alone on your journey.

    In this space, you are among amigas.

  • Yes, payment plans can be set up as needed.

    Please reach out to to request a separate registration link for payments.

  • The retreat will be hosted in a private space for our group. You will be able to move around for group, partner, and solo time.

    Workshops will be held throughout the weekend to teach concepts, help you to try on new practices, and create plans for how you will integrate your experience into life after the retreat.

    Michelle will be providing coaching throughout the retreat during workshop and break out times. 

    Meals, snacks, and beverages will be provided throughout the retreat.

    Each participant will also have a gift bag with items that they can use throughout the retreat.

    (Note that your transportation to the retreat space in LA and overnight accommodations throughout the weekend are not provided, and will need to be arranged by yourself. Recommendations for where to stay are available.)

  • This retreat is open to any Latina interested in learning and participating in practices to reduce their stress and increase their capacity to live life to the fullest.

    Though some of the concepts and frameworks from The Chingona’s Sabbatical group coaching program will be used during the retreat, these will be fully explained and integrated into the learnings specific to this retreat. You will not feel lost and will be able to fully participate in the weekend’s activities.

What People Are Saying:

“I've never read about in any storyline: a doctora, single, not a mother, and very PROUD of her narrative and truth! Michelle walks SO openly into your life, and allows all of us to be on her journey.”

— Amy Rivas

The Details

Dates: Next dates TBD

Location: Retreat space in Los Angeles

Price: $888*

*invoicing is available for those using professional development funds to attend

(Also, you should definitely be asking your job to invest in an opportunity for you to learn how to reduce stress and overwhelm in a safe space with other professional Latinas.)

  • Friday: Welcome happy hour, establish community guidelines, introductions, build our communal alter

  • Saturday: Breakfast, movement and breathwork to connect with our bodies, workshop, catered lunch, workshop, rest, get dressed up for a dinner out in Los Angeles

  • Sunday: Breakfast, communal practices to recalibrate our nervous system, workshop, catered lunch, closing circle

Included: meals, retreat space, workshops, group coaching, resources for continued support beyond the retreat weekend.

Not included: transportation to Los Angeles, overnight accommodations (recommendations for where to stay available).

What People Are Saying

“Community—I need it so much and the feminine energy has been so healing!”

“I feel like I am able to dream more.”