The Chingonas Sabbatical Wrap Up

Last Wednesday we wrapped up the latest round of The Chingona’s Sabbatical. I am so grateful for each Latina who joined and made themselves a priority in their lives for 10 weeks.

There is powerful energy when Latinas come together as a community for rest, reflection, and to reconnect with themselves. Every time a breakout room ended and no one wanted to stop talking, it warmed my heart to know they were so engaged in deep conversations about their mindset, passions, strengths, and purpose.

Latinas thrive in spaces where they are heard, seen, and lovingly pushed to move forward to the life meant for them. 

Don’t just take it from me. Here are some of their words about the experience:

“I came to The Chingona’s Sabbatical wanting a space for women who looked like me and were seeking answers to the same questions as me. Being with other Latinas in this space, I felt connected in a spiritual way. It empowered me to embody a part of my identity that I was unfamiliar with.”

“I was searching for a space that would dig deep. I knew I had some blockages, and I was looking for a community where we could be unafraid and really lift up some of those mental models that keep us from pursuing our purpose. I found what I was looking for.”

“There is SO much to unpack when we think about the cultural factors that impact the Latinx experience, both as an immigrant or daughter of immigrants. Having a space where I didn't need to "go into the weeds" of what that meant, really gave me agency to be vulnerable. We were able to go directly into the deep and hard parts of our inner work acknowledging that we all know that these heavy cultural norms exist but in such beautiful ways we are dismantling these archaic notions, and keeping those that we actually think are sacred!”

As a fellow Latina committed to a journey of deep reflection, I trust you are spending just as much time as we did pondering your life and wondering what else is possible for you.

As you are dreaming of how your life can unfold from this point forward, I offer these questions for you to ponder:

  • What brings the most joy to my life? How can I expand that joy?

  • What strengths come naturally to me? How can I focus more on those and not my perceived weaknesses?

  • What are my core values? How do they support me to set boundaries in my life?

  • What is my purpose in life? 

Imagine what dreams would surface if you gifted yourself the time to reflect on these questions and tap into your heart’s desires.

I hope you find the time among all your responsibilities to prioritize you. You deserve it!

The world needs more Latinas focused on their joy and strengths and living in purpose. We need more of authentic you!

Quiero saber de ti. Please respond to this email after you have some time to reflect on the questions. Let me know what surfaces for you. I’d love to be in conversation about your purpose journey.

Un Abrazo, 



Latinas ready to expand

