Latinas ready to expand

“We also learn that love is a limited resource and that the love we want and need is too much, that we are too much. We learn to shrink, to lie about the whole love we need, settling with not quite good enough in order to not be alone.”

—adrienne maree brown

This past weekend we held a virtual gathering of the Latinas who have gone through The Chingona’s Sabbatical. As I prepared for our time together, I reflected on our conversations during their 10-week journeys. This quote hits multiple parts of where they have been and is a jumping point for where they are going now.

We are born full of joy and organically share our genius with the world until we begin to hear that we are too much. Societal expectations are placed upon us and we begin to shrink to try and fit molds that were not meant for us. We do this in the hopes of becoming lovable.

The truth is that we cannot be fully loved by ourselves and others when we shrink and hide our authentic selves. When we are able to reclaim our joy and freely share our genius, we come closer to believing wholeheartedly that we are enough.


I offer this breathing exercise and visualization that we did together as a group of Latinas ready to expand.

Settle in and begin to connect with your breath entering and exiting your body.

After a few breaths to settle into a calming state, begin to notice how your body expands with each breath in. As you connect with the physical expansion of your body, begin to repeat, “I am ready to expand.” Continue this intentional breathing and mantra for a few more breaths.

Begin to scan your body and notice where love feels present within you. As you continue breathing and expanding, begin to repeat, “The love within me is ready to expand.” As you repeat this begin to envision the glow of love expanding from within you. Continue this intentional breathing and mantra for a few more breaths.

I hope you are able to find some time for yourself to focus on your expansion. As you radiate an abundance of love from within, may those who can authentically love who you are be drawn to you to offer you love in return.

The world needs more of you. As you reconnect with all of who you are and expand, I wish you love in abundance.

Quiero saber de ti. What parts of you are ready to expand again? Where are you ready to open up and allow love to find you?

Un Abrazo,



Leave it on the mat


The Chingonas Sabbatical Wrap Up