Journaling Promps

Querida Amiga,

Last week I was able to hold space for two different groups of Latinas. With each group, I walked them through a series of journaling prompts. One group was focused on unearthing judgment and the other was identifying their fears. After both sessions I had messages from some of the Latinas wanting to let me know about their experiences.

I was holding tension in my body but when I started journaling and saying out loud that I am deserving of all I have accomplished, I felt less heaviness.

I want more experiences like last night. I have more internal work to do.

I didn’t realize how much judgment I was holding until we meditated and journaled.

We spend so much of our days rushing from one thing to the next. Rarely being able to take a pause to gauge how our experiences impact us.

Journaling is a time to slow down and let our thoughts and feelings flow from us. When we set aside time to pause and allow our energy to move through us onto the page, we give space to honor what lives inside of us.

Being conscious of how life is impacting us gives us the agency to make choices about how we want to move forward in our lives. When we push aside thoughts and feelings in service of our busyness, we are avoiding the truth. Often because we are not ready to deal with what is alive inside of us.

Pushing aside those thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean they go away. It just means that they burrow deep into our internal soil to grow roots. They pop up at various seasons in our lives to show they are still living inside of us and wanting to be seen.

I would like to offer some journal prompts for us to sit with this week. It could be one long sit to write or a few minutes every day to keep adding to the layers of thought.

What seeds are buried in my internal soil and growing roots? 

How were they planted there? 

What would it look like to remove some and nurture others? 

When I imagine the garden of my soul blooming with life, what is growing? 

What do I need to plant and tend to now in order to enjoy that garden later?

Quiero saber de ti. What do you learn about yourself when you allow space for reflection and journaling? Let me know how your journaling goes.

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. The Thriving Chingonas Book Club is kicking off this Satruday. We will be meeting Saturday, February 27th at 10 am PT and Saturday, March 13th at 10 am PT to discuss Communion: The Female Search for Love by bell hooks. Reply to this email if you are interested in reading Communion: The Female Search for Love as part of the Thriving Chingonas book club. Excited to read with you and be in deep conversation around how we can collectively create a new vision for love. 


Energy of spaces


How can you let others see all of who you are and who you are evolving into?