How can you let others see all of who you are and who you are evolving into?

Querida Amiga,

I am an extrovert. No question about it. One of the characteristics of an extrovert is speaking to process. I am rarely at a loss for words. That is because I am usually trying to process something out loud or share something I am learning and seeking to integrate into my life.

One of the ways I have been learning to harness this part of myself is through voice memos. When I can’t sleep or an idea hits me that I don’t want to forget, I pick up my phone and start recording myself talking about whatever is running through my mind.

I have accumulated quite a few recordings and rarely go back to listen to them. I decided to scroll through them this past weekend and found one that wasn’t my voice.

The recording was a collection of friends and acquaintances speaking truth to me about myself. Each person began their words to me with “Michelle, what I see being born in you is…” The recording is over a year old and I had completely forgotten about it.

They were mirroring back to me who I have shown them I am. Some of the words they used were light, fire, activator, trailblazer, fierce, advocate, style, change, celebrate, love, inspiration, softness, intellect, momentum, connector, and world leader. My reflection in listening to their words is that they truly see me and who I seek to evolve into.

I remember their kind words resonating with me then and they touched me again. As I relistened to them speaking, I heard them speaking truth to who I am and continue to grow into.

Their ability to touch me with their words was/is because they see me. They know who I am and who I seek to become for myself and for others. That is possible because I have allowed them to see me.

Sometimes we hold back from sharing all of who we are and the desires of our heart for fear that we will come off as egotistical and full of ourselves. When we hold back and do not share who we are with the world, others cannot see us. Our communities are not able to come together to help us on our journey to live out our purpose in life.

Are you allowing yourself to be seen?

Who truly knows who you are and where you want to go with your life?

We can support you if you let us fully see you.

Please let us know who you are and the desires of your heart.

We are here to support your journey to authentically be yourself as you move towards the life meant for you.

Quiero saber de ti. What is being born in you? How can you let others see all of who you are and whom you are evolving into?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. The Thriving Chingonas Book Club is kicking off this month. We will be meeting Saturday, February 27th at 10 am PT and Saturday, March 13th at 10 am PT to discuss Communion: The Female Search for Love by bell hooks. Reply to this email if you are interested in reading Communion: The Female Search for Love as part of the Thriving Chingonas book club. Excited to read with you and be in deep conversation around how we can collectively create a new vision for love. 

P.P.S. I am partnering with Chicas Latinas de Sacramento to host a FREE workshop this Friday, February 19th at 6 pm PT to discuss our journey to self-love. This will be a virtual event. Any Latina can register to attend here.


Journaling Promps


Communion: The Female Search for Love