Energy of spaces

Querida Amiga,

This past weekend Thriving Chingonas came together for our first book club. The spirit of the space was one of authenticity, vulnerability, and a desire to connect. That energy has been consistent in our spaces.

I have had a number of messages and questions about the Thriving Chingonas Community space. Generally, folks want to know how I am bringing all of these amazing Latinas together.

These curiosities remind me of a conversation I had with a colleague a few years ago that helped me to see that I am an active part of building the communities I love so much.

Back when I was a high school principal, I had the best teams of vice principals. These folks were not just my colleagues, they were tight-knit crews who rode hard for one another. One day I was talking about how lucky I was to always work with great teams. One of my vice principals said, “You continuously work with great teams because of who you are in the teams you are a part of.” It took me a minute to process that.

I was downplaying the part I had in building, maintaining, and bringing long-term sustainability to the groups I facilitated.

I spent some time reflecting on the common denominators in the team dynamics I had been a part of. I figured out what energy I was bringing to the relationships and what I expected of others who were part of our relationships. There were clear driving forces for me that determined how I interacted with folks.

After I was aware of what I needed and who was a fit, I wasn’t chasing after people and trying to make relationships work. I started consciously opening space in my life to new people and would not fuss over people who were no longer in alignment and who I needed to release.

When I am clear who my people are, I make sure to show them how much they are valued and put the work in to maintain these relationships and communities.

Circling back to last weekend’s book club. I woke up that morning excited to be in community with Thriving Chingonas, and I was also aware that I wanted to consciously call in the energy of the group.

I took 10 minutes for a meditation. When I finished I wrote down the thoughts that were coming alive for me in a sentence. I put it on a post-it note to have next to my computer while I was in the virtual space.

I am manifesting a safe space where we build trust and that trust allows vulnerability which inspires connection.

I will maintain trust and not share specifics of our conversation. I will say that the energy was open and vulnerable and new connections and ideas transpired. The comments I received after were that the space was needed, inspired deep thought, and new connections were made.

We have the agency to call in the people we need in our lives and to shed those who are blocking our blessings.

The energy of the circles we keep is so critical to our healing, wellness, and success living out our dreams. 

When we are clear on who we are, what we need, where we are going, and what we have to offer others, we will be able to manifest the communities and spaces we need to heal and dream.

I am grateful our energies have attracted us to one another. I want us to build a community of Latinas on a journey of healing and dreaming. Together we will provide the support and pool the resources to bring those dreams to life.

Quiero saber de ti. What type of energy are you bringing to the relationships in your life? Who are the people and communities you need to manifest for healing and dreaming?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. If you want to check out the values and agreements of the Thriving Chingonas Community, you can find them here on my website.


Concious Relationships


Journaling Promps