Election Day

Querida Amiga,

There’s only one thing on my mind today. The election happening in our country.

I have been a devoted voter since the age of 18. I may have missed a mid-term election here or there. For the most part, I have made it a priority to vote in every election over the past 23 years.

The power of our vote and the privilege I have to be able to vote has not been lost on me.

Our ancestors had to fight to have their humanity acknowledged in the systems and cultures of this country and their home countries. The vote I cast is my opportunity to continue moving forward a dream of a country that honors and respects the contributions we all make to its prosperity.

I vote to remember family members who were farmworkers advocating for their humanity to be acknowledged in their work environments.

I vote to remember my Tío Rodolfo who died running from police while protesting a dictatorship in Venezuela.

I vote to remember my Grandma Flora standing on the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC advocating for health care reform.

I vote because I come from a lineage of people who believe in the power of the people to create change.

I vote because I am hopeful that change is coming that will elevate the humanity and agency of all.

I vote because I want to continue, strengthen, and improve our democracy for future generations to have space to dream.

My hope for our nation is that this pivotal year pushes us each to believe in our genius and strengths, reconnect with our power, and move forward with a bigger dream for what is possible for us as a collective.

Quiero saber de ti. What inspires you to vote? What is your hope for the future of our nation?

Un Abrazo, 


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Election Results


How will you prioritize the rest you deserve?