Election Results

Querida Amiga,

Saturday morning I woke up to the sounds of cheering and clapping. I couldn’t figure out why my neighbors were in such a celebratory mood so early in the morning. Was there an early college football game?

I eventually opened my phone and saw what the celebration was about. Joe Biden was our new president-elect and Kamala Harris was our new vice president-elect. As I started scrolling through my feed I saw videos of people dancing and posts about people feeling like they could now exhale. The streets in my neighborhood were full of people honking, dancing, and smiling ear to ear.

I could not bring myself to celebrate the election results. I was feeling disconnected to the joy around me.

My mind was still consumed with what has been alive in me. A fear that white supremacists will attack BIPOC communities as we have never seen before and/or Trump will refuse to leave office and a desmadre will ensue.

My heart and mind were not ready to leap to joy, because I wasn’t done sitting in fear.

I spent the day with a friend. Enjoying her company and the streets of San Francisco. I started to lighten up a bit, but I still wasn’t fully there.

Sunday morning I woke up to birds chirping. Louder than I have heard them in a long time. You may remember that at the start of shelter in place I shared with you that I would find myself staring out of the window listening to the birds chirping and watching them fly around. When the wildfires hit a few months ago, they disappeared and I haven’t seen or heard much from them.

The birds returned with all of their joy and beautiful song when I needed them.

I spent the morning drinking tea and staring out of my open patio window. I absorbed the sounds of the birds and the feel of the breeze. The moment of exhale that I longed for the day before finally came.

The birds that tend to hang outside of my patio window are hummingbirds. I spotted at least 10 that were fluttering around one another and bobbing in and out of the treetops. Earlier this year when I was spotting them regularly, I decided to look up their meaning. I was curious if there was a message they were bringing to me that I should be conscious of.

When you search hummingbird the first meanings of their presence that pop up are healing, love, and joy. Their return signals to me the arrival of a new phase of healing, the possibility of deeper love for one another, and joy like we have never experienced before.

Nature brought the signals I needed to know a change has come. My mind needed to ease into the new sense of possibility that is upon us.

The hummingbirds ushered in healing, love, and joy. 

The winds were a collective exhale.  

Another wave of change has arrived.

I am ready to move into realities we have been dreaming and talking about for a long time.

Quiero saber de ti. What was ushered into your life this weekend? What energy are you bringing to our current evolution toward healing, love, and joy?

Un Abrazo, 


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Election Day