What would a perfect day look like for you?

I just had the perfect day. I can’t remember the last time I said that. 

Some would say perfect is not possible and a word used for exaggeration. Well, perfect is how it felt to me. At its core, it was perfect because it was soul serving and the opposite of the planned out and productive Sunday I had on my calendar. 

A couple of days before the Labor Day weekend was set to kick off I started noticing the blank space on my calendar and immediately got excited about large blocks of time to tackle projects that have been on my mind. Moving through that 2-page list was going to bring me so much joy...or so I thought. 

Saturday morning kicked off with our Thriving Chingonas virtual space. That was a much needed kick off to the weekend. After we logged off I had a rush of energy and knocked a couple of items off of the list. By the late afternoon, I was ready to move onto other things. Other things turned out to be rest.

Sunday morning my meditation was followed by reading in bed and talking to a friend. Time flew by and the next thing I knew it was the afternoon. There was a moment when I thought, “Michelle, are you going to indulge in rest today or step out of this bed and transition to productivity.” I chose rest. I had brunch delivered, I sat in my pajamas at my table and savored each bite of that french toast and berries.

As I wrapped up eating, I decided the cool darkness of my bedroom was calling me back. (Oakland living in a heat wave with no AC means avoiding my living room with large sunny windows.) I put my laptop on my bed and watched Beyoncé’s Homecoming for the third time. When it ended I felt like watching it again. 

At some point I fell asleep with Netflix playing. I had a lovely deep sleep and woke up naturally at 7 am today. I feel so good today. I must attribute my energy for a new week from my perfect Sunday.

Each week brings different energy and needs. My perfect day this past weekend may no longer be what I perfectly need a month from now. This past week that is what I needed. Though the makeup of perfect days can change from week to week or year to year. At their core, perfect days give us what our heart, mind, and spirit need to reenergize and reemerge ready to thrive.

Quiero saber de ti. What would a perfect day look like for you this week?

Un Abrazo, 



Leaving it all on the mat


How can Black and Brown communities support and comfort one another right now?