The universe is always speaking to us

The universe is always speaking to us. We need to be in tune enough to listen. 

Last week I shared that I am feeling a desire within myself to seek more freedom in my life, and I am still not clear on what that looks like.

Literally the next day I read the introduction to a new book I started and three pages in it reads:

There’s very little any of us can do - to get paid for the true value of our work, to make our own decisions, to control our lives, and much less to move women, marginalized communities, and society forward - without the freedom that money can buy. Your options in life are likely to remain limited if your resources are also limited.

I am going to share something with you that I have kept to only sharing with a small circle of besties. I plan to be a millionaire by 45. I am not even a quarter of the way there now, and I don’t have a clear path to get there. However, deep in my heart I believe it will happen. My certainty comes from knowing it will not just be for me. It will be abundance through me for the communities I serve.

Where did this confidence come from? Back during my sabbatical when I was meditating for long stretches of time, sometimes multiple times a day, I would hear clear messages in the silence. They didn’t always make sense to me; however, they were so clear that I felt compelled to write them down and trust the path to manifestation would come later.

One of the messages I heard was that I would be a millionaire someday. I have struggled to say this outloud to many folks, because there are stigmas attached to money. I believe our ideas of large sums of money are that they can only be acquired through harming other people (most often women and people of color). I completely understand where this comes from. What we have seen over centuries is the harm caused to the majority of humanity for a select minority (predominantly white men) to grow wealth and power.

What would we see if we dreamed of abundance from our hearts, without a connection to whiteness and men?

I see my parents cared for comfortably, as they deserve, until their last day.

I see my whole family living with a quality of life my ancestors couldn’t dream of.

I see my niece and nephew experiencing the arts, travel, and unlimited life options without a care for how it will impact their earning potential long term or how it will be paid for.

I see a team of Latinas I am blessed to work with who are valued and compensated for the gifts they offer the world.   

I see scholarships for as many Latinas as possible to participate in individual and group coaching opportunities.

I see the possibility of engaging in the changing of political systems through contributions to politicians of color with proven dedication to anti-racism and equity.

I see my ability to dream and create with absolute freedom, so I can have a larger impact in the world.

When money is a piece of an abundant life that serves many, there should be no shame in naming it as a goal. It can be earned for reciprocity, to contribute to and expand the abundance in another person’s life.

As we dream of new ways of creating and distributing financial abundance, the path to manifestation needs to be led by love, intuition, and accountability.

I will also name that I am becoming conscious of the ways in which I am fearful of earning large amounts of money and subconsciously blocking the flow of money into my bank account. There are limiting beliefs for me to face head on and mindset work I must commit to, so that I am not sabotaging myself from receiving the abundance meant for me.

As I continue on this journey of uncovering what new levels of freedom can look like in my life, I name that one route will be through financial resources. Becoming a millionaire will unlock access to a new world I am still dreaming of as it unfolds.

Since this dream is not just mine, it is ours, I will share as it continues to reveal itself.

Quiero saber de ti. What financial abundance do you need to manifest to bring more freedom to your life? In what ways are you resisting financial abundance flowing to you? What shifts need to be made in your life to welcome in that abundance?

Un abrazo,


P.S. The book I started reading is We Should All Be Millionaires: A Woman’s Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power by Rachel Rodgers. You can check out virtual book tour dates for this newly released book on her website.


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