One year anniversary of the Thriving Chingona Community

Querida Amiga,

This past Saturday marked one year since I launched the Thriving Chingona Community. What a beautiful year it has been engaging with this community of Latinas and getting to know you.

The dream of creating safe spaces for Latinas to gather for healing and liberation had been on my heart for some time. However, in a pre-pandemic world I wasn’t giving myself enough space to see the dream through.

I am 110% devoted to my work and that always took top priority. Coupled with my extroverted ways of being at every happy hour, dinner, event, and trip I was invited to, I was allowing busyness to keep me from fully fleshing out this dream. I had visions of a wide diversity of Latinas coming together for rest and reflection so that they would have the energy and capacity to tap into their authentic selves.

The pause that I took four years ago for my sabbatical was needed again to provide me time and space to tap into myself for an extended period of time to find clarity about the steps to manifest this community of Latinas. I knew that if I created opportunities for Latinas to question the expectations placed on us by society, they would begin to remove the layers of who they have become to reconnect with you they authentically are. Then opportunities would begin to emerge for us to show up in the world as the beautiful souls we are meant to be.

When the pandemic hit and I was now spending more time in silence and stillness, the clarity of how to move forward this dream began to emerge. That is what happens when we slow down and allow our soul to speak to us, we hear the messages that are drowned out by constant motion. Our intuition kicks in and we can trust that we have the knowledge and resources available to us to take steps forward to live the life meant for us.

I was meant to be the person to put the Thriving Chingona Community out into the world. I believe that we will collectively refine its mission and service to Latinas throughout the world.

Over the past year, because of you, the Thriving Chingonas Community has grown through social media, these weekly cartas, and The Chingona's Sabbatical group coaching program. I promise you there is so much more to this dream of bringing together Latinas for healing and liberation.

As it becomes safer to gather in groups again there will be happy hours, dinners, retreats, international trips, and so much more...including more than a few fiestas. Post shelter in place, I am committed to continuing to find the time and space to allow this vision to unfold. I welcome you to join me in the visioning of what is possible for us as a community committed to our healing and liberation.

Con toda mi corazon les digo, mil gracias! Thank you so much for being here, engaging in the conversations, and spreading the word.

I can't wait to see what year two of the Thriving Chingonas Community brings.

Quiero saber de ti. What dreams are presenting themselves to you in moments of stillness? How can you provide yourself more time and space to allow those dreams to move forward?

Un Abrazo, 



Acrylic Nails


The universe is always speaking to us