
Querida Amiga,

I learned this past weekend that only 7% of the population sleeps on their stomach.

This random fact came up in discussion when my friends and I realized we were all stomach sleepers. We couldn’t believe it was such a small percentage. We assumed everyone found sleeping on their stomachs to be the most comfortable way to sleep.

I started thinking of other statistics I’ve heard in the past related to who I am. For example, Meyers Briggs (MBTI) types. Only 5% of the population is an ENTP (like me). When I first heard this I had the same reaction as my friends about our sleeping status. People aren’t always energized by other people? There are people who complete tasks weeks in advance?

So often we struggle to see that we are special. Compliments are pushed aside with quick conversation shifts. We pinpoint all that is wrong in what we say and do rather than proudly putting out into the world what only we can create.

The way we see the world and show up in it is unique to each one of us. 

I immediately asked my friends, “What does it mean about us that we prefer sleeping on our stomachs?” Over the years I have come to a place where I appreciate my uniqueness rather than shun it. When something comes to my attention as my special eccentricity, I get curious about it.

What part of me is shining through? What does it mean for me and others that this quality comes specifically from me? How do I want to embrace this part of myself?

Let’s embrace the parts of us that are rare and the way they come together to make us distinct. Miracle upon miracle combined to bring you into this world and miracle upon miracle keeps you alive on this planet to engage with others. 

I hope you can acknowledge how special your lens of the world is and how the way you show up every day (even sleeping in bed) is unique to you.

May you see what a blessing you are and get curious about all the parts of you that do not mirror those around you. See all your eccentricities, sit with each of them, love them, and identify how you want to lean into them. This intentional practice will lead you to show up in the world as your bold authentic self.

The world needs more Latinas unapologetically owning their uniqueness and utilizing their identities as their superpower to manifest their dreams. May it begin with you. 

Quiero saber de ti. What unique parts of who you are do you seek to embrace? What practices will help you to show up as your unique and authentic self?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. If you missed our live meditation on Instagram last week, you can find the recording here on IGTV. Return to the I Am Meditation anytime you need a reminder that you are enough. Let me know what comes up for you to release and reclaim.  


Latinx showing up for Juneteenth


I Am Enough Meditation