I Am Enough Meditation

Querida Amiga,

There are weeks when my coaching sessions reveal clear themes that my Latina clients are wrestling with. The theme from last week was their concerns that they are not enough.

Unfortunately too many of us have grown up in environments where we were encouraged and rewarded for contorting to fit outside expectations. All of our hustle and sacrifice to meet those expectations were met with requests for more assimilation and distancing from our unique gifts.

As we have spent decades of our lives getting farther from our core desires and strengths, we may often feel as though who we are is not enough.

When Latinas partner with me through coaching, to return to themselves and tap back into their intuition and heart’s desires, they can feel a discomfort between their desire to embrace their authentic selves and the reality of shedding who they have become.

The discomfort surfacing is often the struggle to believe that they are enough to exist in the world without assimilating and contorting. They worry that they will be rejected when people see who they really are.

I am here to remind us all that when we hide our true selves we lose opportunities to connect with the people we need in our lives. When we show all parts of who we are, the people we need in our lives can find us.

I offer this meditation to release what no longer serves you and reclaim who you truly are.

  • Find a comfortable position where you can settle in for a few minutes.

  • Begin to notice your breathing (how it enters your body, moves around your body, and releases as you exhale).

  • Scan your body and notice any areas of tension where you can focus your breath to relax and soften.

  • You have been on a path for many years influenced by society and people who did not fully see you. For too long you have had to carry identities that were not yours to carry.

  • As you begin to shift to the path meant for your authentic self, there will be some releasing needed to provide space for your true self to expand.

  • As you continue breathing deeply, begin to ask yourself what you are ready to release. 

  • What identities are you carrying that no longer serve you as you seek to show up as your full self without barriers?

  • As you identify what you are ready to release, name it. 

    • “I release ___.”

    • For example, “I release perfectionism.”

  • Next tap into what you are ready to reclaim as your true self.

  • At your core who are you? How do you seek to show up in the world?

  • As you identify what you seek to reclaim, name it.

    • “I am ___.”

    • For example, “I am limitless.”

  • Once you feel you have connected with all of who you want to be moving forward, take three deep breaths to close up your time and solidify what you seek to claim moving forward.

The journey to show up as your full self and trust that is enough, can last a lifetime. Whenever you feel a need to reset to yourself, I offer that you return to this meditation. Allow yourself grace when you struggle and love that you made the important decision to reconnect and reclaim.

As you show up as your full self, the people who can truly see and appreciate you will be drawn to you. You will attract a loving and authentic community to yourself.

May you move through your days knowing that you are enough. May you be surrounded by the people who see and appreciate your authentic self.

Quiero saber de ti. What identities are you still carrying that no longer serve you? Who are you at your core? How can you show up in the world as that person?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. If you would like to walk through this meditation live with me, join me on Instagram this Friday, June 11th at 12 PT. After we meditate together live, I will save the recording and upload it as an IGTV for you to be able to return to anytime you need to. See you there this Friday!  




Reminder for limitless dreaming