Spring Faves

Querida Amiga,

We are about halfway through the spring season and I am barely feeling spring this week.

Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. The weather is mild, there is a breeze in the air, and fashion can go in so many directions. Spring in particular is special, because new life is blooming.

Though we transitioned into spring over a month ago, I am just feeling the blooming in my soul now. There was something about receiving my second vaccine shot that opened me up to hope and a new lens to see the world around me.

The seasons have blurred into one over the past year and a half since they have all mostly been experienced from my apartment looking out the window at the same scene over and over again. I am venturing out more now to see the people I have missed dearly and wanted to hug so badly.

Sitting outside for brunch with a small group of friends catching up brings more color to spring than a zoom happy hour did. Sharing dreams of bringing our pandemic musings to life post-quarantine is now bringing life to our circles because these are real possibilities now. Hope and possibility are an energizer that is currently maximized by the new blooms and sunshine surrounding us.

Right now I am opening myself up to feel the fullness of spring. Allowing the beauty of new life and optimism of new beginnings to take hold. May the last month or so of this season be full of inspiration and creativity for what our lives can evolve into post-quarantine.

The wanderings of our minds since last March will soon have a place to manifest in ways we have not experienced before. May those manifestations expand our passions, value our genius, and lead us farther down the path of purpose-driven living.

Quiero saber de ti. What creativity and inspiration are alive for you this spring?

Un Abrazo, 



Birthday Month


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