Introduction to Cartas Para Mis Amigas

Querida Amiga,

My heart has been longing to connect with you for some time now. One of the creative outlets I often use to process and release my thoughts and reflections has been letter writing. Gifting myself the time to meditate on what is alive for me and articulate that in some way, is a gift I also offer to you.

Once a week I am committing to sending you a letter to share reflections on life as a professional Latina rooted in my ancestors, living in my purpose, and thriving for future generations. 

Of course, I want these letters to inspire a conversation between us. Please respond and let me know what is alive for you and how I can be of service to you on your journey to thrive. Bigger dreams await you. Lean into this community helping you to be seen and reminded of how amazing you are.

I am here for you. ¡Somos más fuertes juntas! Together we are stronger!

Un Abrazo Michelle.jpeg

P.S. If there are other chingonas who would be interested in joining this community, please spread the word and invite them to sign up.


What part(s) of you need attention this week?