I am a global teacher

Querida Amiga,

About a year ago, I had a glimpse of my future self. 

I was meditating on my purpose while sitting at my desk. I paused after I finished and was staring at my bookcases. (I have a lot of books! I am a book hoarder. I still have books from undergrad and my classroom teaching years mixed in with books that have made it into my life over the past year.) I found my eyes lingering on one book in particular longer than the others. It’s titled What Great Teachers Do. It’s been about 16 years since I was a classroom teacher, so this book has not been on my radar, though it has been living in my home.

I pulled it from the shelf and flipped it to the front to see that the cover is all butterflies. Now you already know, I did not think this was a coincidence.

What immediately popped into my head as I soaked in the image of the butterflies (the ever present confirmation I need from the universe when I am contemplating purpose) was, “I am a global teacher.” 

In that moment, I didn’t fully know what that meant or how it would evolve to be true. I knew I wanted to hold onto the message. I wrote on a bright orange post-it note, “I am a global teacher,” stuck it to the cover of the book and slid it back onto the bookcase.

Fast forward to the last couple of weeks, my mind is thinking ahead to what is to come in 2022. Last week I felt inspired to set a goal related to the vision “I am a global teacher.” I wrote a statement that I would speak at a conference in an international tropical place...maybe Bali. 

As soon as the fully formed thought came to me, I stopped myself. My reaction to the thought was, “This is too specific. I am not allowing the universe to creatively partner with me or surprise me with blessings.”

One of many things I have learned about myself over the years is that when my goals are too specific, I become very attached to them and the exact outcome I expect to see. When the detailed vision in my head does not happen, my initial reaction is disappointment and I have to actively work myself back to gratitude for all that I have.

As I sat with the thought more, I acknowledged that the vision of who I am evolving into is ready to emerge in 2022. Setting intentions for that vision does not necessarily mean mapping out all of the details of what will happen. It is clarity of who I am, where I have been, and where I see myself in the future.

I started my professional career as a classroom teacher. That has evolved over the years to who I am now. I am now a national teacher and facilitator of spaces focused on passionate joy, acknowledging our brilliance and worth, and helping folks to lead purpose-driven lives. I see the next evolution of my identity as a teacher growing to serve international spaces.

As I thought about this progression more, I realized the more I allow my future self to emerge from within me (she’s already in there subconsciously and consciously guiding me) I am claiming and embodying that I am a global teacher. It’s ok to leave the details out of the equation right now. I want to give space to the universe to bless me in ways that I cannot even imagine in this moment.

The mental shift is not being solely rooted in goals; rather, being rooted in who I am and what my intuition is telling me is the next evolution of me. The vision of myself engaging with Latinas around the world is my clarity while I am giving space to the universe to surprise me. I want to explore all the opportunities that bring the next phase of me out into the world without limitation. Though stating that I will teach at a tropical location can be an audacious goal, my gut reaction to the statement is telling me that there could be more possible. Tying myself to that goal will bring me into 2022 with a rigid plan of action that will actually not be as a expansive as possible. There are a variety of ways for me to embody who I am meant to be. Right now I want to try all of them on.

I know my high achieving self enough to know that becoming attached to teaching in Bali could leave me sorely disappointed at the end of the year. To be clear, I am totally open to teaching in Bali this year. However, I want it to naturally evolve from me being tapped into my intuition and trusting the universe. I don’t want it to come from my singularly focused obsession with a specific goal.

As you think ahead to 2022, I hope that you are taking time to pause, root yourself in who you are now and allow your future self to reveal to you where you are headed next. Allow that vision to open you up to all that is possible. 

When you start setting those intentions for next year and put pen to paper or cut out images for your vision board, may those intentions help us to put action towards the life meant for us while also leaving flexibility for creative exploration and partnership with the universe to provide more than we can even dream of.

Let’s open up and receive all that life has to offer in 2022!

Quiero saber de ti. Who is your future self? What part of that future self is ready to emerge in 2022? What would it look like to move in that direction while also remaining open to possibilities you do not see yet?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. The Chingona’s Sabbatical will be back January 2022! 

If you are ready to pause, gain clarity of who you are now, and tap into your future self, this is the group coaching experience for you! You can learn more here

If you have been waiting to join our community. You don’t need to wait any longer. Let’s connect now before registration opens in January. Schedule a call to connect and learn more.


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Who am I?