The Chingonas Sabbatical is on hold

Querida Amiga,

I have a coaching client who has been feeling very low energy. They are making some pivots in their life and some opportunities have come their way. They were pursuing these as they came. They noted it was with low energy and feeling like they have to push themselves to do what they were “supposed to do.” They were feeling unmotivated. 

During my doctoral days, I focused on students at the high school level. Often when people talk about teenagers they talk about how they are unmotivated. When we see people unable to move forward, in the ways we expect of them, it can immediately be deemed that they do not care and are unmotivated. (e.g. “They didn’t complete their homework because they are unmotivated to do anything. They don’t care about school.”) 

The specific roots of being unmotivated could be for a variety of reasons unique to our individual experiences. Ultimately, we are unmotivated because we are struggling to make the connection between the task at hand and the benefit to our current and future selves. For these students, not completing homework was because they didn’t understand how it would further what they wanted for their lives. Their physical and mental response was to not engage with what they felt was not meant for them. 

My coaching client was not engaging fully because she was not convinced these opportunities were truly meant for her. I asked her to consider if it was being unmotivated or following intuition to not pursue opportunities that would distract from who she was being called to be in the future.

I want to be very honest and vulnerable with you. I have been feeling unmotivated about launching the next cohort of The Chingona’s Sabbatical. I believe it is my intuition speaking to me. I am finally ready to listen.

After 3 cohorts, I now have the checklist of what needs to happen to open registration and launch a new cohort. The emails, IG posts, social media kit, etc. are all teed up and ready to go. The dates are on the calendar. I scheduled IG Lives with alum from the 3 cohorts last year. Though I have moved forward with what I am “supposed to do.” Something has felt off. Something has been missing.

Before each cohort last year I was excited. The excitement of not quite knowing who would be joining and what would unfold over our 10 weeks together. Throughout the journey, there were repeated signs that the Latinas meant to be on the journey together had found one another. That energy would carry me into hope and excitement to kick off the next.

When last December hit and it was time to open registration, something in my spirit was resisting. I figured it was the holidays and decided to push it all to January. Though 75% of everything was ready to go for launch, in the month-long extension, I couldn’t bring myself to complete the last 25% of what was needed.

Intellectually and spiritually I knew my unmotivated energy was my intuition speaking to me. Nevertheless, I persisted. Then NYE hit.

With Omicron spreading, NYE plans shifted to a small gathering of girlfriends at my place for a night of conversation, laughter, and drinks in our pajamas. My amiga del aire, Jeannette, came ready to offer card readings. 

When my turn came, the cards spoke to what I had been pushing through.

  • Get out of your own way, let go, and let Spirit lead.

  • Find other things to focus on right now. 

  • It’s uncomfortable to admit the course of action you’ve chosen for yourself isn’t right for you now. You can struggle in the mud and go nowhere or take a moment to observe where you are, then step out, wash away the dirt, dry off, and find other things to do. 

It’s time to listen to my intuition and the guidance of Spirit. I am taking a pause from The Chingona’s Sabbatical. During this pause, I want to explore what other lessons and/or offerings are wanting to emerge from within me and will be of service to Latinas throughout the world. 

I may circle back to The Chingona’s Sabbatical as it currently lives, I may tweak it, I may completely overhaul it, or let it go altogether. Time will tell.

That is not the point. The point is that this is an exercise in trust. I trust myself to tap back into joy and creativity. I trust myself to identify where my strengths are meant to serve. I trust the universe will provide new ideas and opportunities that I cannot imagine yet.

I am no longer unmotivated. I am freeing myself to slow down and savor the wonder of my life and the world. Forward motion will come with time when inspiration hits. You know I will keep you posted. 

Quiero saber de ti. How can I be of service to you in 2022?

Un Abrazo, 



Sometimes I don’t want to journal either