Who can you heal with in community?

Querida Amiga, 

This past week my body has been a mess of knots. My shoulders were creeping up to my ears. I found myself rubbing my lower back between meetings. Last Wednesday I had to slowly roll over to get out of bed and then hobbled to the bathroom because my knee and hip were bothering me. My immediate response to all of this discomfort was, “I’m getting old and this is what it feels like.” After hobbling around for a few minutes, I reminded myself that this is not what it has to feel like. 

I took an assessment of how I have been treating my body and what I have been doing to relax it and relieve tension. It had been a couple of weeks since I dedicated time to meditation and my morning body scan. My flexibility block after exercise was getting shorter and not hitting the areas of my body that needed the most support right now. 

I reset. Now I am meditating in the mornings for at least 10 minutes before getting out of bed. Taking a few minutes for a body scan to see what parts of me need the most attention (physically and emotionally). For the physical, I use my massager for a couple of minutes in the morning and again before bed. For the emotional, I have been recording voice memos in the moment and then listening and reflecting back later on what I still need and want to address with my coach.

These renewed practices do not mean that I am now jumping from the bed and all is good. However, I feel much better. My body is looser and my spirit feels calmer. I have stopped the accumulation of pain and started the process of healing, so I have more movement and access in my body. I also realize I need to get back to the chiropractor for some adjusting and recommendations on how to better take care of myself during this time.

I value my health and the freedom of my mind and body. In the last few days, I have been employing my agency in sustaining that freedom and am now moving forward with my new plan. There is a renewed spirit of possibility and lightness in movement.

For many of us, the last few months have been a roller coaster of emotions that we are experiencing in our bodies and spirits. The emails I receive from you sharing your journey and what you need have been a connection point I hold dearly. Though we still do not know how the coming months will unfold, please know that I am here for you and plan to keep showing up. 

It is time to connect beyond written words and share time and energy together. Let’s see what our collective healing can bring to fruition for a new way of being. 

Biweekly I will begin opening a virtual space for us to connect for a few minutes. We can meditate, visualize our futures, reconnect with our bodies, affirm how amazing we are...we can be in community.

Our first community space will be next Friday, August 21st at 11:30 am PST. If you are interested in joining, shoot me an email to let me know. I will follow up with the login information.

Quiero saber de ti. How do you need to heal this week? Who can you heal with in community?


Where did you come from?


Who do you want to be more intentional with in building relationships?