Time for a Quasi-Sabbatical

Querida Amiga,

It’s time for another sabbatical. Not a full-blown slowing down season, as I have done in the past. I’m thinking more of a quasi-sabbatical where I open up more space in my schedule for large pockets of time to reconnect with myself.

I have been in multiple meetings lately where folks are discussing The Great Resignation. I personally know about 5 people who have walked away from their jobs in the last 6 months. They are seeking time to rest, travel, be with family, and just spend time with themselves.

I completely understand that feeling of needing to shake up what has become the norm. When I took my full sabbatical a few years ago, I felt deeply in my soul that it was important to completely walk away from the life I knew because I had become so deeply disconnected from a life focused on purpose.

You have heard the story of how that all unfolded. That sabbatical is what has brought us together in this space today. 

Though I am now on a clearer purpose path and living life authentically as me, I have been feeling lately that I need more time and space to breathe, listen, and reconnect to a very specific part of myself.

I was having lunch with a friend and his wife one afternoon. As a single and always ready to mingle Latina, folks regularly want the details on what’s been up with my dating life. I was sharing some stories (I swear I am going to put all these stories in a book someday) and the conversation lingered on my confusion about how my professional aspirations always manifest with ease and my love life always feels like so much work.

As they asked questions and let me process out loud, where I landed was that I have clear vision and complete trust in myself when it comes to professional dreams and goals. When it comes to love I do not have a clear vision of who I am and trust in myself to know when to say no and clearly say YES.

One of them asked me, “How did you connect with vision and trust for yourself before?” I immediately said, “My sabbatical.” At that moment it clicked. I am in need of a sabbatical again to reconnect with myself and begin to visualize new possibilities.

I am in need of a sabbatical to reconnect with love within myself.

You may have noticed I pointed out this is a quasi-sabbatical. Here’s what the next few months will look like. I am reducing my workload to intentionally give myself days that will be blocked on my calendar for a deeper relationship with myself. I don’t fully know what that means yet. However, I am envisioning long meditation sessions, walks where I let myself get lost in my thoughts, journaling, taking myself out for a solo meal, calls with my therapist and coach, reading, and whatever else emerges as the love I need.

Sabbaticals do not have to be months of alone time. They are pockets of time (hours, days, or months) dedicated to reconnecting with ourselves, all of who we are or parts that are revealing they need some extra love and attention. They don’t have to be a fully hashed-out schedule with goals for outcomes. 

Though I will not be mad if a husband evolves from this, that is not the point. My struggle to vision a life of love and connection stems from a disconnect that is growing from not knowing why I love myself, how to love myself, and what it will look like to expand that love beyond myself.

There is an excitement in having the time and space to hear what lives within me and relearning what I need and what I am uniquely able to give. A season of reconnecting with myself, with a focus on love, will prepare me to love myself deeper, which will in turn bring ease to loving others. 

This quasi-sabbatical will also have the opportunity to reveal what it means to expand this community with love as part of our core foundation.

Te quiero, Amiga! Let’s see where this next season takes us.

Quiero saber de ti. What part of yourself do you need to set aside time to reconnect with? What would that precious time consist of?

Un Abrazo, 



Letting go for something new


Manifestion: When to Say No and Yes