My Purpose Has Brought Me Here

Querida Amiga,

I have been struggling with sleep the past week. Too many ideas swirling around in my head that are keeping me from shutting off and resting.

The other night I suddenly woke up and was laying in bed thinking about a variety of tasks I need to take care. As my to do list was growing, I was wanting so badly to just fall back asleep.

I went back and forth in my mind. Should I dictate all of this into my phone? Should I grab my laptop and accept I’m not falling back asleep? Is it worth fighting my mind for a couple more hours of sleep?

As my sleepy mind tried to make sense of all that was flashing before me, I told myself, “You know what you need. You need a mantra and deep breathing to slow yourself down.”

I thought for a moment about the source of all this activity. I am entering a season of transition. I am trying to wrap up a variety of loose ends while also planning for the somewhat unknown. Mixed in with all of that are the day-to-day happenings that can throw a wrench into plans I keep trying to make.

This season of transition is bringing up a multitude of feelings. I am overwhelmed thinking of all the moving pieces I need to tackle. Each time I try to map out what comes next, I am finding my plan blown up in a matter of days because something else comes up.

There is fear in taking a leap to a new space. There is excitement taking a leap into a new space. 

At the core of all this movement is my purpose.

I am wrapping up what has been a lovely season of deep exploration and growth to now bring to life the new dreams that have revealed themselves to me.

As I was laying in bed seeking a grounding force to calm me, the following mantra came to me:

My purpose has brought me here

My purpose will carry me through

With each deep breath in and each deep exhale, I repeated this mantra over and over and over again. I started to feel my mind slow. I started to feel my muscles relax a bit. The spinning within me started to slow down. I was reminded that all of the busyness is to be a part of something bigger than myself.

My purpose in life is to create safe spaces for Latinas to reconnect with their purpose and thrive.

Everything else is of service to my purpose. I cannot let the daily tasks and multitude of emotions surrounding my current reality to distract me from the root of all decisions I am making right now.

When we move in purpose, we can trust that no matter how imperfect our decisions are, what matters the most is that we are moving in a direction that amplifies a purpose-driven life and allows us to continue showing up in the world as our authentic selves.

I didn’t fall back into a deep sleep that night (or the other nights where I woke up spinning). I did set a precedent for myself among all this shifting to remain grounded by what is propelling me forward.

In moments of uncertainty, fear, overwhelm, and excitement it is healthy to acknowledge all the messy that is happening internally and externally. It is real!

That can exist while we also recenter ourselves to move forward with clarity that living in our purpose will lead us to the life meant for us.

The world will be a better place when more Latinas are living in purpose and showing up in the world as their authentic selves.

I am grateful to be on this journey with you to get us there.

Quiero saber de ti. What is the next step you need to take to live in purpose? How can you ground yourself in purpose when the day to day becomes overwhelming?

Un Abrazo, 


P.S. Are you ready to reconnect with your purpose? Registration for The Chingona’s Sabbatical is open for cohort three! This group coaching program for Latinas provides the space you need to slow down, tap into your intuition, and have a community of Latinas to support you on your journey. You can sign up for an exploratory call HERE. Let’s hop on the phone to see if this is a fit for where you are on your journey. We kick off September 15th.


Manifestion: When to Say No and Yes


Leave it on the mat