Inner and Outer Love

Querida Amiga,

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


This quote has found me multiple times over the years. It always gives me pause and has me take a second to ponder what barriers I am consciously removing to allow more love in.

About a month ago, I had a conversation where someone asked me, “Can you receive compliments?” I wanted to answer, “Yes.” I hesitated because as the last few times I had received compliments ran through my mind, I realized I have a tendency to deflect compliments and not receive and appreciate them.

Last week I saw this quote again and when I paused to wonder what barriers I could consciously continue to remove, I remembered the compliments conversation. To move further towards love, I need to learn to receive the love that comes my way.

The universe always provides opportunities for us to live out the lessons we need to practice. I received a call last Wednesday night, the person told me they were proud of me. I took a slight pause, let the compliment sink in, and replied, “I receive that.” Though the person couldn’t see me, I found myself holding my hand over my heart as I said it.

Pausing to let the words sink into my body and spirit let them penetrate the barriers I have within me to receive that kind of love. This does not mean that the barrier has now dissolved. It is a sign of a significant crack breaking open.

I am focused on loving myself and receiving the love of others. The journey continues, as barriers slowly are seen and penetrated until they crumble completely and dissolve.

My wish for us is that we continue to find the barriers within ourselves that are blocking love. We discuss them with those we trust, so we are able to name how we will work to remove them. The support of this community and others you are a part of will sustain us through the journey to love.

I trust that as each barrier slowly crumbles and eventually dissolves, we will move closer to wholeheartedly accepting ourselves and living boldly as our authentic selves.

Quiero saber de ti. What barrier can you crack open to receive love this week?

Un Abrazo, 



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