How are you using your superpower to make the world a better place?

Querida Amiga,

¿Cómo estás? I hope you have been finding space to step away from your work for deep breathing, body movement, and time to wander with your thoughts.

I was glued to my computer most of the week. Body movement and fresh air in nature were my salvation. As I listened to podcasts while I moved and chatted with a friend while walking, the theme of superpowers has been floating around me. It kicked off with listening to Michelle Obama talking about her superpower to truly see people. (Is there anything she does that is not a superpower?!) Then I heard María Elena Salinas on the Latina to Latina podcast mention that Latinas have superpowers. I have heard people talk about superpowers before, but this week it landed differently. 

I found myself identifying multiple strengths of mine (that in itself is a shift in this conversation for me). I completed the statement, “My superpower is ___,” in a variety of ways. Tweaking and playing with words that would bring together what flows naturally when my strengths combine. What I landed on was, “My superpower is to bring action to vision.” 

I’m sure I’ll still play around with that for a while. Ultimately what elevated for me is that my place of power and influence is the way I can see what is possible among the perceived impossible. When the vision comes into view, I snap into action. The energy of an audacious future is enough for me to move and build. This superpower is not just to my benefit. Like any strong superheroine, I am aware that my superpower exists to make the world a better place.

As the week progressed and the theme of superpower remained, I remembered America Ferrera’s TED Talk from last year, My identity is a superpower - not an obstacle. If you have not watched it, I highly recommend checking it out. She shares her journey of shifting her mindset from changing herself to fit the system to changing the system to honor her existence. Listening to her words again brought the conversation full circle for me. 

When I stand proudly in all my superheroine flashiness, I use my superpower to change the world. My superpower is to bring action to vision. When I work alongside you and other members of our Thriving Chingona community to creatively vision audacious futures, we have the potential to radically change systems that are built to keep our existence small and contained. My superpower leads to a world where Thriving Chinongas spread their wings and fabulously take up all the space they were born to exist in.

I commit to leaning into my superpower for me, for us. May we build audacious visions together that lead to revolutionary movidas.            

Quiero saber de ti. What is your superpower? How are you using your superpower to make the world a better place?

Un abrazo,



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