
Querida Amiga,

I am feeling blocked. Usually, my letters to you flow from me. I can’t wait to share the latest of what is going on and what is on my mind.

Tonight I am sitting here staring at my screen wanting to be in community with you while also not knowing what to say to start our conversation.

I don’t believe in writer’s block. I am not lacking ideas and creativity. I do believe that sometimes words are not enough. 

I am sitting here not finding the words that can express how much I miss your physical presence.

I miss greeting you with hugs. 

I miss lounging on a couch with wine talking about nothing and everything for hours. 

I miss laughing as we get ready together to go out. 

I miss us being cute together and documenting it all in our Instagram stories.

I miss happy hours that turn into dinner that turn into dancing.

I miss being energized by your spirit.

I appreciate every call, text, and virtual hang out we have had over the last 11 months. And I have reached my breaking point. They are not enough.

It appears as though this will continue to be our reality in the coming months. Though we cannot change the current circumstances, I need to name what I am struggling with and why I have been a bit more silent than usual.

Know that you have been on my mind. This morning as I meditated on the healing energy of love, I imagined the love within me sharing energy with you. For a moment, I was able to release a bit of the tension that has been building.

Amiga, te quiero y te extraño. Estoy contando los minutos hasta que podamos estar juntas en persona otra vez. I love you and miss you. I am counting the minutes until we can be together in person again.

Quiero saber de ti.  What can you do this week to release some of the tension that has been building from not being with those we love?

Un Abrazo, 



Communion: The Female Search for Love


Peaceful and rising together